Birthing Place MinistriesAbout Us

We may worship in a building or virtually, but authentically, we are the church that worships. (John 4:20-24)

This means the “church” should not be viewed as only a place we go, but rather the “church” is who we are.  In summation, we operate as a connected body utilizing our spiritual and natural giftings with one another and fulfilling worldwide ministry. (Ephesians 4:16)

The love of God has permeated countless hearts at the obedience of Shun and Tana Doughty throughout their 30 years of ministry in various areas of the church – authentic and purposeful actions of sacrifice in worship and the word of God. With God’s grace, Birthing Place Ministries (BPM) presents itself as a body of believers who follow Jesus Christ operating as a spiritual training ground, leading hearts and minds to be saved, healed, and releasing the promises of God on the Earth.

Our story began in 2013 when BPM functioned as a worship and arts institution, but in 2015 God directed Shun and Tana to culminate the institute. During the months that followed, Shun received a series of revelations from the Holy Spirit and from that encounter, the spiritual foundation was established for BPM – the church: a place of healing, restoration, and life.

At a closer glance, BPM is a movement that edifies the body of Christ. It derives its very name from the process in which a woman goes through to birth a baby. From here, Shun began to understand how God has made all who breathe a potential dwelling place for Himself; a birthing place – releasing God’s promises in the Earth.

In October 2020, amidst a pandemic, Shun heard from the Lord again to start a Zoom bible study with 10 people. Today, BPM is located in Wylie, TX. BPM is a divine strategy where every person and gift is needed to bring healing to the body – God has placed in us the ability to do so according to Ephesians 4. This is all in hope that we all be found as a church without a spot or a wrinkle – recipient of the second coming of Jesus Christ.


Living Healed | Releasing Life


To be a body of believers, operating as a spiritual training ground assisting people in receiving total healing – spirit, soul, and body by faith in Jesus Christ. We will also assist people in fulfilling their God given assignment locally or abroad through the teaching of God’s word and other scripture-based materials, prayer and worship gatherings, and service projects. Overall, we desire to fulfill the great commission and welcome King Jesus’ return.

We are a ministry that loves God and loves people.
We are a ministry that helps people to live totally healed and whole.
We are a ministry that trains, equips, and supports people in walking in their God-given purpose